If an item is missing from your package, it may have been shipped separately. Please check your Order Confirmation to verify if each item has been assigned a different tracking number.
If all items were shipped with the same tracking number:
Click here to submit a ticket and attach a copy of the packing slip or any paperwork that came with your parcel so we can investigate further. If the paperwork shows that an item is missing, we will make it right and ship the missing item(s) as soon as possible. -
If the items were shipped separately:
Click here for instructions on how to track your remaining parcel.
To inquire at your local post office, click here to view the most common carriers.
If you're unsure whether your items were shipped together or separately, click here to submit a ticket, and we will assist you in checking.
If you require further assistance, submit a ticket here. We will respond within 48 hours.